All across our region, families are working hard, but still walking a financial tightrope. ALICE® (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed) describes households who are above the federal poverty level, but who don’t make enough money for their basic needs. They are working and paying taxes, but not earning enough to be financially stable.
Imagine what your day would look like if the ALICE workers you rely on, such as health care workers, auto repair technicians and truck drivers who deliver food, cannot come to work because the cost of child care exceeds their means or they don’t have access to transportation. Our routines would falter, our communities would feel the ripple effects.
Local United Ways aim to be the pulse of our communities, deeply understanding the challenges ALICE workers face – those hardworking individuals on the edge of financial stability. By leveraging data from the United For ALICE Research Center, our United Way gains crucial insights into the daily struggles and tough choices.
UNITED FOR ALICE is a driver of innovation, research, and action to improve life across the country for all. To access ALICE data and more information, click here. Take a look at the 2022 data from the 13 localities in our footprint below:
Household Financial Status and Key Demographics, 2022 (13 localities of our footprint combined)
Charles City | Chesterfield |
Dinwiddie | Goochland |
Hanover | Henrico |
Hopewell | New Kent |
Petersburg | Powhatan |
Prince George | Richmond City |
For questions, contact Frank Cardella Director of Economic Mobility at CardellaF@yourunitedway.org.