Campaign for Grade-Level Reading

Help us spread early literacy across our region.

The Campaign for Grade-level Reading partners with school districts, nonprofits, corporations and other organizations to collectively increase third grade reading proficiency across the Greater Richmond and Petersburg region.

Get Involved

Building connections and wonder in our youngest learners requires experiences that extend beyond the usual spaces. And building the safe, inviting infrastructure where that can happen is a project in itself. How it Works United Way builds and installs educational trails in local parks and other community spaces. These trails help parents, caregivers and communities use everyday moments outdoors to…

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Creating access to learning resources outside of the classroom is critical – so is making them available in strategic, easy-to-find spots across our region’s communities. How It Works United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg builds and installs Little Free Libraries throughout our region in partnership with various community organizations to support students along the Steps to Success. These libraries…

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Take Action


You can volunteer to help our local United Way increase early literacy in several ways. Help us create and distribute Literacy Kits, install Early Learning Trails and more! Keep an eye on our Volunteer page for upcoming opportunities.


Visit our Donate page to make a gift to help us continue this work in the months and years to come.