When people are able to find decent jobs, provide for their families and absorb the financial bumps in the road we all face, they and their children are more likely to enjoy healthy lives and succeed in school. Everyone benefits, because financially stable individuals and families lead to a more competitive workforce and a stronger community.
At United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg, we outline key steps on the journey to financial well-being and provide needed supports along the way. Through the THRIVE Collaborative, United Way supports efforts to increase incomes, build savings and develop financial literacy among local households. These steps help individuals and families achieve financial stability.
THRIVE Collaborative Objectives
- Enhance collaboration, information-sharing and capacity-building among local programs and organizations that assist low-income residents in building wealth and achieving financial stability. Goal: create a stronger and more seamless web of financial stability supports for local residents.
- Generate more resources and support for local initiatives that work to increase access to the key building blocks of financial opportunity for low-income residents. United Way’s Impact Grants draw and leverage donor investment in the local financial stability arena. Click here to learn more about our current Financial Well-Being funded partners. Goal: help local financial stability programs serve more people, more effectively.
- Increase public awareness of financial stability issues and advocate for greater access to financial stability opportunities. United Way utilizes various communications channels to educate and engage community stakeholders, the general public and local decision-makers about the value of financial stability. Goal: elevate financial stability as a regional priority.
THRIVE Mini-Grants
2020 THRIVE Mini-Grants
- SOAR365 – SOAR365 Academy
- Soar365 Academy is a new program offered to 18-22-year-old students who have significant disabilities. Students will receive instruction in financial education using Workplace Readiness Training in developing independent living skills.
- Better Housing Coalition – Tech Savvy
- Better Housing Coalition is seeking assistance to provide computer training to their workforce development participants at Lincoln Mews. Better Housing Coalition will hire a resident (supervised by the in-house Navigator) to teach classes.
- Sacred Heart Center – Supporting the Sacred Heart Center Satellite Center
- Sacred Heart Center requests funds to support a new satellite location in Chesterfield in spring of 2020. Funding will support the staff position to plan and administer the satellite center.
THRIVE Mini-Grants are dependent on funds available and are currently supported by CapitalOne.